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Affordable Housing

Affordable housing improves the housing quality, safety, and stability of low-income individuals and families who are unable to afford market-rate housing.

These sites can play an important role in improving the health of residents through building design elements, programs, and policies.

New/rehabbed affordable housing buildings can also serve as catalysts for other economic development.

Childcare Center

Childcare centers built in underserved communities provide space for licensed programs to deliver affordable, high quality care to low-income infant, pre-school age, and school age children.

These sites can play an important role in developing the health of young children through building design elements, programs and policies.

New/rehabbed childcare center buildings can also serve as catalysts for other economic development.

Community Health Center

Federally qualified community health centers (CHC) provide access to health care in underserved communities.

New/rehabbed community health center buildings can serve as anchor institutions by providing an access point for other community services and by serving as catalysts for other economic development.

Elementary-Secondary School

Through education, elementary and secondary schools have a lifelong influence on employment, income, and other dimensions of well-being.

In addition to providing education, nutrition, and opportunities for physical activity, schools can connect households to needed supports and services.

Healthy Food Access

Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is an important factor in disease and obesity prevention.

Community development partners can play an important role in increasing fresh produce access in underserved communities through financing and technical assistance.

New/rehabbed commercial spaces that supply healthy food can also serve as catalysts for other economic development.

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can prevent chronic illnesses and reduce stress.

Infrastructure improvements that provide opportunities for safe, active transportation and recreation can also serve as catalysts for economic development.

Supportive Housing

Supportive housing offers specialized resources and improves the housing quality, safety, and stability of individuals and families who have complex needs.

These sites can play an important role in improving the health of residents through building design elements, programs, and policies.

New/rehabbed supportive housing buildings can also serve as catalysts for other economic development.

Transit Oriented Development

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is the development of a mixed-use environment that includes high quality, frequent transit service.

TOD includes a mix of housing, retail, and recreational choices, all of which play an important role in advancing health equity, economic opportunity, and regional competitiveness.

Worksite Wellness

Worksite wellness programs raise awareness and knowledge about health and the behaviors that promote health.

Worksite wellness programs often include opportunities to increase physical activity.

Metrics for Healthy Communities website demo

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