Healthy Food Access logic model

Click on any linked activities to view samples of related research evidence. Click on linked outcomes to view sources of data for measuring outcomes and question wording examples to collect your own outcome data. If you're using a mouse, hover over linked items to highlight any evidence related items. Use the entire model as a map for understanding how the work of community development and health organizations collaboratively leads to improved community health.


Community plans
Evidence-based practice literature
Location, site
Source of funds
Community gardening
Community kitchens for food processing
EBT, produce coupons, or other programs that support LMI consumer purchases
Financing alternative retailers that supply fresh produce (e.g., mobile food markets/produce carts)
Financing building features that support healthy eating
Financing nonprofit businesses that supply healthy foods (e.g., soup kitchens, food shelves, meal programs, farmer’s markets, alternative food distributors)
Financing small businesses involved in the fresh produce supply chain
Financing small grocery stores that carry fresh produce
Healthy food distributed at no cost to recipient (e.g. backpack program, food pantry, meal program)
Training on nutrition/healthy foods preparation
Training on produce handling and marketing
Commercial buildings financed (number of)
Commercial kitchen users (number of)
Community garden plots (number of)
Community garden users (number of)
Cooking and nutrition class participants (number of)
Dollars invested (amount of)
Entrepreneurs who receive training on produce handling and marketing (number of)
Food Bucks used (number of)
Healthy food access points (number of)
Healthy foods businesses financed (amount of investment)
Jobs created/retained as a result of financing or programming (number of)
People receiving nutrition education (number of)
Residents who purchase or receive healthy food (number of)
Residents who receive information on nutrition/healthy food preparation (number of)
Access to commercial kitchens for community organizations and small businesses increases
Access to credit for small business owners increases
Affordability of healthy food increases
Food security increases
Knowledge of nutrition and healthy food preparation increases
Proximity to healthy food increases
Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables increases
Entrepreneurship increases
Health and well-being self-reports improve
Sense of community (social connectedness) increases
Small business activity increases
Stress decreases
Academic proficiency scores increase
Diabetes rate decreases
Disability rates decrease
Emergency room admissions decrease
Employment rate increases
Food desert designated areas decrease
Health disparities decrease
High blood pressure rates decrease
High cholesterol rates decrease
Improved local economy
Life expectancy increases
Obesity rate decreases
Preventable hospitalizations decrease
Property values increase
Strengthened local & regional food systems

About this logic model

This example logic model provides a menu of typical inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes for community development and health organizations that work in the Healthy Food Access field.

The activities listed in this example logic model link, whenever possible, to examples of research literature providing evidence that a specific activity leads to a health-related outcome included in the logic model. The outcomes link, whenever possible, to measures already collected through existing data sources and to measures that might require users to collect their own data through a survey, or other means. Click on these linked items to view the related evidence or measures.

Influence on social determinants of health:

Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is an important factor in disease and obesity prevention.

Community development partners can play an important role in increasing fresh produce access in underserved communities through financing and technical assistance.

New/rehabbed commercial spaces that supply healthy food can also serve as catalysts for other economic development.