Community Health Center logic model

Click on any linked activities to view samples of related research evidence. Click on linked outcomes to view sources of data for measuring outcomes and question wording examples to collect your own outcome data. If you're using a mouse, hover over linked items to highlight any evidence related items. Use the entire model as a map for understanding how the work of community development and health organizations collaboratively leads to improved community health.


Community plans
Evidence-based practice literature
Location, site
Source of funds
Dollars invested (amount of)
FQHC or look-alike facilities financed (number of)
Jobs created/retained as a result of financing or programming (number of)
Mental health treatment program participants (number of)
Participants served by human service programs offered by community health center (number of)
Patient visits, total (number of)
Patients who receive dental services (number of)
Patients who receive mental health treatment services (number of)
Patients who receive primary care services (number of)
Patients who receive substance abuse treatment services (number of)
Residents with increased access to primary care services (number of)

About this logic model

This example logic model provides a menu of typical inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes for community development and health organizations that work in the Community Health Center field.

The activities listed in this example logic model link, whenever possible, to examples of research literature providing evidence that a specific activity leads to a health-related outcome included in the logic model. The outcomes link, whenever possible, to measures already collected through existing data sources and to measures that might require users to collect their own data through a survey, or other means. Click on these linked items to view the related evidence or measures.

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Influence on social determinants of health:

Federally qualified community health centers (CHC) provide access to health care in underserved communities.

New/rehabbed community health center buildings can serve as anchor institutions by providing an access point for other community services and by serving as catalysts for other economic development.